Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is Earth Day, April 22, 2009 ... I will say in the last few years I have seen an amazing turn-around in the number of people, governments, corporations, organizations, art, business and just an abundance of awareness that this whole "save the planet" goal is more than just a passing fancy of "tree huggers."
Whom do we thank for this? - Green Peace, Birkenstocks, Whole Foods, Al Gore or Ed Bagley Jr. I am sure the answer is "Yes" and to many more.
However let us thank the earth itself - this planet keeps crying out to us to pay attention, to listen, to care. The waterways, oceans, rivers, lakes and streams cry out for clarity and respect. The natural realms of mountains, jungles, deserts, forests, beaches, - all places where we seek shelter to make our homes and build our cities - they cry for careful planning and sharing and appreciation. The animal and insect world and all our natural resources cry for and need balance, attention and vigilant caring.
But most of all on Earth Day the earth crys for humans like us to love one another, to love beauty, to love joy. Because when we are loving, beautiful and joyful then we are creative, respectful, caring, balanced, attentive, and sharing. We are the earth.
We can come together this one day and make a promise to make everyday a day we save the world, our earth, our planet with love. Just take one moment tomorrow and each day to send out into the world of earth ... a circle of reflections which will mirror the love in your own heart for a beautiful, peaceful, joyful, abundant and cherished EARTH.
What do think? What do you feel?
Write to me - amber@ambersilverstar.com
Thank you for sharing!
The above illustration is called Circle Reflections. This digital art design is by Amber Silverstar for Destiny Bright Designs available at http://www.cafepress.com/ambersilverstar - Copyright Amber Silverstar 2009.