I offer my little book here called I LOVE MY FEELINGS published by LULU STUDIOS the web site is www.lulu.com/ambersilverstar11 . You can also see a video preview on You Tube at www.youtube.com/ambersilverstar11. For a matching product line with wonderful clothes and toys try www.cafepress.com/ambersilverstar
I LOVE MY FEELINGS is a book for all ages because at any age we are learning the world of emotions. We want to know what we are feeling and how to express those feelings or even how to hide them. In the book I describe emotions as neither good nor bad but just real feelings from your spirit which means we are human.
Trouble comes when we judge ourselves for our angry feelings and the angry feelings they provoke in us and then begin to act on those angry feelings. It is better to say we feel angry and ask directly for what we need. This takes a little practice and sometimes a lot of courage. But it is so worth it! If you need help, please write to me amber@ambersilverstar.com.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Words, images, art, photography, editorials, and reviews are all copyright 2015 by Amber Silverstar. Intellectual Property Rights including any type of electronic transmission, derivatives, and/or interpretations are the sole reserved rights of Amber Silverstar.