Dear Readers,
The last few weeks have been like a wild ride through the rapids of a river raging through prehistoric canyons. Only the ride, the rapids and the river are no prehistoric experience complete with powerful white waters and colorful walls of red colored rocks. Instead, the wild ride taking place now is in the urban settings of America; the big cities filled with commerce, entertainment, soaring architecture, and resourceful inhabitants. Normally, the big city destination is one to be contemplated, sought after, celebrated and loved. Normally!
But ... in the last few weeks the wild ride through the urban streets of historical significance includes devastating hurricanes, memorials to those who died under the hands of terrorist, corrupt and greedy financial crimes, false political promises, mysterious train crashes and muddy floods making life unlivable. It is too much to comprehend. And yet, we are required to do so. We are required to breath deeply as we try to rebuild from the winds of destruction, the losses of homes,loved ones,and a sense of financial insecurity and political unrest.
How much longer can we hold on and still survive these days of challenge and changes? I say, for as long as it is needed. For I truly believe the American people in all their diversity share a collective consciousness for the will to go forward, the courage to see the truth and the strength to once more bring balance back to the center of each urban landscape; both large and small. It might be "the wild ride" yet it is our ride and we know the answer - hang on, do the very best each person can, and be ready to recover and learn when the adventure comes to it's conclusion.
Let me know what you think.
Light and love,
Amber Silverstar
The above digital art image is by Amber Silverstar, copyright 2008.
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