Dear Friends,
Happy Valentine's Day in the month of February.
I know many of you are deep in cold, snow and ice but here in Southern California the roses are always blooming. Just like magic! So I am sharing a rose with you in a new store front I created called, what else, THE MAGIC RED ROSE.
This beautiful image from nature is an original photograph by my husband, Steven Olson for our design company called DESTINY BRIGHT DESIGNS. We were so taken with this picture because besides it's beauty, it reminds us of the famous image and logo with the red tongue for the Rolling Stones Band. The image has not been manipulated in any way but still we captured this moment in "rose land" with a petal looking like a tongue with a large dew drop.
I think the dew drop on the rose is a message that we always have what we need including nourishment. That is if we can trust Great Spirit to be our supply and our support.
Anyway what we focus on expands and I suggest we focus on the abundance around us and fill our lives with love. This is the real magic. Then, before we know it, Spring comes again and with it the renewals of earth, water and sky.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Love and light,
Products with the Magic Red Rose image can be found on http://www.cafepress.com/magicredrose by Amber Silverstar for Destiny Bright Designs,
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