Saturday, March 06, 2010


Movies have always been a huge part of my life. I guess it is no accident that I am living in the LA/Hollywood movie scene of the world. For the past month the TURNER CLASSIC MOVIE channel has been featuring all these fabulous movies which have won Oscars for best picture. It is like getting (excuse the pun) to eat a "box of chocolates" everyday and filling up on a perpetual flow of goodies.

Now it is time for Oscar 2010 and I am looking forward to the Academy Awards tomorrow night. My choice for best actress is Sandra Bullock in her wonderful, performance in the movie BLINDSIDE. Of course I would love to see  JULIE, JULIA win a few of the awards too. I know this is practically "UN-american" but I have yet to see AVATAR, HURT LOCKER, OR CRAZY HEART so I cannot really comment but AVATAR does seem to be a great cinema breakthrough and achievement.

As a side comment, I do not see why a producer for HURT LOCKER got barred from attending the Oscars for saying what he thought was his truth. Seems a violation of free speech to me. This action coming from the movie industry is hard to understand when the movie makers use their own freedoms to create whatever they please regardless of how much violence in words and actions are used to get their own points across.

Anyway, taking the good with the bad, I am still looking forward to what I am sure will be an amazing night. It is suppose to rain as it is right now. Regardless the stars will shine and I will be here watching all the glitter and glamour of "Oscar and friends."

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