(This blog - Light Beings - comes from an interview with Halina Kacicki. Ms. Kacicki has this amazing spiritual ability to see, talk to, and connect with the angelic realms of the Universe. I thought her story so interesting that I am sharing it now with you.)
There are those who say,"Yes, I believe in angels, angels are a part of my everyday life." Others will claim,"Angels are just mythological creatures." Some people have actual encounters with angels but never thought prior to those encounters that angels existed. lastly, there are those wondering souls who look to the skies professing, "Angels are not for real."
Wherever you are on the spectrum of angelic experiences or beliefs, I would like you to know - angels are for real and they are serious business. Angels come directly from Spirit to inspire, to forewarn, to protect, to guide, to assist, to defend and to direct. In reality, angels participate in our lives in infinite and unlimited ways.
Angels are also light beings who are given to us by Divine Intelligence to be those special messengers of love, hope and understanding. In my own angelic experiences, these light beings resonate to different vibrations of color, so when attuning to color and coming from Divine Spirit, angels will appear to you when you need them. In addition to color, angels can arrive in an opalescent aura of the rainbow or present themselves in golden emanations of energy.
Some people ask, "Where do angels come from?" Angels only come from a true, loving, spiritual and Divine Source. Perhaps you call this source God. Whatever name you choose to give the Divine Presence, it emanates as love through you in the form of angels. They are your light beings: angels of guardianship, angels of light, angels of love, angels of guidance and angels of protection.
In fact, so many angels are available to us that we are told in the Bible of legions of angels - one hundred thousand times a thousand - an infinite number of angels. Angels are available everywhere, all the time, to everyone. All we have to do is ask. The loving Christ figure says, "Ask and you shall receive."
In my own life, several times in the past twenty years, I have been personally visited by angels. During one visitation, I fought for my life through a near death experience, when an angel of gold surrounded by golden lights came into my room. This golden being brought me into a tunnel of light where I met three other angels. Then I learned all the angels had names; Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel and the angel of gold, Michael the Archangel.
All four angels brought new feelings to me of a purpose plus a oneness in my life. Through their appearances, I experienced being loved and protected instead of fearful and alone. Because of their visit, I now have a point of reference that my work needs to be finished before I finally go to my ascended home. The angels also revealed to me just how wonderful that home is while at the same time they left my body filled with a beautiful sense of peace.
A short time after this near death experience, I fully recovered my health. Then I took time to review the meaning of the angelic visitation; I even started sharing angelic communications with other people. I wanted to give the messages of hope and peace I had received and am still receiving from the LIGHT BEINGS, my own guardian angels.
Today, I am an angelic counselor, especially in the areas of angelic healing. Through my work, I constantly see the importance of understanding the angel messengers, using the angelic guidance, and transforming our lives in accordance with Divine Spirit. I love sharing this incredible world of celestial wonders - our Light Beings from heaven.
(The photo above comes with permission from the Halina Kacicki website http//www.angelsofmary.com ... the site contains a wealth of information, plus phone numbers, links, media appearances and consulation availability.)
I hope you have enjoyed this interview experience. If you have questions you can contact me by email at amber@ambersilverstar.com or visit on the web http://www.ambersilverstar.com
Posted by amber silverstar at 11:56 AM 0 comments Links to this post
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Thank you Amber for offering me and others who will experience the pleasure of your site and knowing your Angelic spirit and Heart.
ReplyDeleteIt will help others,... spread the message of Faith, Hope and Charity to expanding our conciousness through our Hearts.
Blessings to all.
Angels of Mary