Monday, June 30, 2008


Today, I had the famous scientist, astronomer, Carl Sagan on my mind. I recently had a dream about him talking on the subject of the possibilities of extra terrestials. It could be that soon we will discover some evidence linking human life from our Earth to the planet Mars. I like to follow this speculation about the existence of intelligent life in any area of outer space.

I live very close to the world famous Griffith Observatory which sets high on a hill top over looking the whole Los Angeles area with views of the the vast Pacific Ocean. Every time I go there to visit, even though the observatory is filled with incredible exhibits, the planetarium, and special shows, I somehow just want to stand out on the walled verandas and contemplate what someone like Carl Sagan must have thought as he dedicated his lifetime to looking into the mysteries of the Universe.

The Carl Sagan web site is a wonderful way to see how this amazing man loved the exploration of space so much. The web site is called The Carl Sagan Portal and can be found at The images in this blog is a picture of the first stamp commemorating the Russian spacecraft Sputnik and another stamp showing a space ship of extra terrestials.

This world of space exploration is just so rich in history, promise, adventure, creativity, and scientific study. I never run out of enthusiasm in discovering new information or learning about what has already been discovered. But Carl Sagan, his work and his legacy has become an unforgetable experience in my own earth travels and maybe someday a chance to travel in a dimension beyond my current reality.

Let me know what you think.
You can contact me through email
Remember we are all made of stars.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Hillary - What Lies Ahead?

I can only imagine what must be going on in the Democratic circles of decision makers as to the future of Hillary Clinton. The way she conducted her campaign sure impressed me - it is as though we saw someone change and grow right before our eyes.

I would like to see her appointed Secretary Of State - she has more experience in this arena than most Washington politician and as former First Lady certainly has a commanding respect within the international community.

Barack Obama may need Hillary Clinton as Vice President if he wants to win the presidential election. I saw yesterday in a poll where he only leads John McCain by two points and Barack Obama did not win the big electoral states in the primary. Would Hillary, if offered, really take second place to Obama? Whatever happens,this is already a political event of enormous historical value.

Besides the Hillary question, I am also intrigued by the diversity of the younger voters and their use of the Internet as a grass roots organizer. I think the Clinton campaign failed to recognize soon enough that the Internet youth is the new power player on the block ... the invisible force which now seems to be invincible. This phenomenon is a political stronghold which is not controlled by the largely, white male bastion of Washington or the Multi-national Corporate Elite.

Maybe the United States has a democracy after all instead of a Republican Aristocracy - the people have spoken - now what will Hillary and Barack have to say back? What will the future be for the United States economically, socially, environmentally? I guess we will know soon. I am hoping for some great changes!