Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Continuing today, I am posting a new love affirmation.
The challenge is to say the affirmation for 22 days
and see how your life will change.
You can let me know what those changes are.

So get ready, start affirming.


Being well, healthy, energetic and happy
comes from the inner voice which says,
"I love my body."

Pain and disease is the withholding of love from ourselves
or from someone else ... or from both.
See if you can restore love to your body,
to yourself, to everyone.

Then watch the difference this makes
in living a whole and balanced life.

For just one day, say the I LOVE MY BODY affirmation as often as you like
and then send the energy of love out into the world. Watch what happens!

Let me know what you experience?

Light, love and laughter,
Amber Silverstar

The above affirmation and words are from the book by Amber Silverstar called LOVE AFFIRMATIONS.
Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. Book available along with calendar and CD on http://www.lulu.com/ambersilverstar11.

Image BRIGHT BUTTERFLIES IN BAMBOO FOREST is an original photograph by Steven Olson appearing in the BRIGHT NATURE OF BEAUTY  book on amazon.com. Copyright 2010, all rights reserved. For more information contact amber@ambersilverstar.com

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Dear Friends,

When I woke up this morning I had this complete poem on my mind.  A recent death of a loved one happened when her husband shot her then shot himself. Because I am known as a spiritual intuitive and a "ghost whisperer" I am inclined to believe the poem came from this loved one who is still reaching out for resolution with the man who killed her and then committed suicide.

So I thought I would share this poem with you. I once learned from Dr. David Viscott, a famous celebrity psychologist, that all suicide and perhaps murder comes from the message given to the child that they have no right to exist because they are not perfect. Then they spend their lives trying to prove they are perfect. Of course when this proves impossible they begin to live an inner life of terror, darkness, and confusion. This self-defeating message is a terrible illusion which they decide can only end in death; their own and sometimes the death of others.

Here is the poem which I call


I tried to be your angel
to save you from walls of hell.
You said "no, no, no,"
You knew the place too well.

I tried to be your angel
To give you love each day.
You said "no" and "no" again
Telling me, "Please just go away."

I tried to be your angel
Giving you happiness evermore.
You said you hated me
And pushed me out the door.

I tried to be your angel
To share lights of a warming Sun.
You cried "no" in all your pain
Choosing a cold darkness with your hidden gun.

I tried to be your angel
Though now you are truly gone.
My only hope of reaching you
Is through my tearful song.

Angel Cloud Of Sorrow
by Steven Olson Copyright 2010
Los Angeles, California

If you need to talk or share please email amber@ambersilverstar.com