Poetry Thursday:
Two Black Ravens
Two black ravens fly
past my window.
Morning marine fog
makes skies hazy and grey.
Songs and chatter play
on wake-up radio shows.
Life is real, life is normal,
life is today.
AMS Copyright 2006
Some people might think these large black birds, the ravens, are scary: the birds might be a sign of black magic afoot or maybe an impending disaster. Some might even say, "the raven is a sign of a coming death of someone in his or her circle." Certainly we are all familiar with Edgar Allen Poe's, The Raven.
I am what is known as an "earthquake sensitive." I can feel an earthquake about to happen like three days before; that is a large earthquake. I cannot tell where the earthquake is going to happen - sometimes maybe a general idea where but mostly just the premonition that and earthquake will be taking place somwhere on this planet or in the ocean. I have noticed that during those three days, ravens start showing up in my life. I think they may be nature's way of warning people to be "on alert." And so I am, when these black birds appear with their own spirit messages, I go on watch and I pray all will be well in the end.
If you are a sensitive to earth changes, movements, or impending events, I would like to hear from you. Just email me with your experiences at ambersilverstar11@yahoo.com. Use the code Raven.
Certain Thursdays will be poetry day with amberonline, so you are invited to send in your poems. Poems should have themes that include your imaginational use of words, (no four letter words) just keep it interesting, intense, and inspirational.
So more latter, until then keep your Destiny Bright and use words of love.
You can visit me on the web at www.cafepress.com/destinybright.
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