Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Book Review - What's Your Dosha Baby?

Dear Friends,

What's Your Dosha Baby by Lissa Marie Coffey is this great little book about lots of wonderful information to help you balance your life, know love and live in harmony with your environment.

This is a large task but Ms. Coffey gives you this amazing test so you can find out your dosha. Dosha, as a part of Ayurveda, is the ancient way from India which looks at the elements in your personality and tells you what personality type you are based on the traits in your dosha. You can be either a Pitta, a Vata, or a Kapha or a combination of all three. Each type has a particular way of loving, eating, and responding to likes and dislikes. The closer you create a lifestyle true to your dosha the more harmonious, healthy, and loving your personality will be.

Ms. Coffey says: "Ayurveda is India’s 5,000 year old “Science of Life” and it is the art of living in harmony with nature. Your dosha is your Ayurveda mind & body type. There are three doshas in Ayurveda: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We each have all three of the doshas in our physiology, just in different proportions, so your dosha is unique and personal; it is like your fingerprint."

My husband Steven and I read What's Your Dosha Baby and took the test. We laughed so hard when we realized our doshas matched the personality models in the book like a carbon copy. With this realization, we were better able to understand our compatibilities along with our challenges. It is like looking at our lives in a very fun way even though it might require some serious insights. When I finished the book and the test, I knew I had just finished "a layered cake" of life changing knowledge that could easily be digested.

Go buy this book for yourself and your friends. It is available on and on Lissa Coffey's web site, Ms. Coffey is a relationship expert and a lifestyle designer who appears frequently on major television shows. She also has several other books published plus another two I would recommend called Getting There with Grace and Dosha Yoga with C.D. When you read this book, let me know what you think! Write to me at

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